One thing that is very important on your journey to be successful at making money online is knowing where your traffic is coming from,and how much of it.
By having this information you can target the right keywords to boost traffic even further.
Say for instance your getting several hits a day from a Google search for beginners guide to auto maintenance, and you're sitting on page 4 the of the search results for that phrase
Well you know from that, people are looking for beginners guide to auto repair so you need to work on getting your rank for that term moved up in the serps .
Armed with that information you can use your seo techniques to target that keyword phrase and before you know it your traffic will be returning some impressive figures.
Stat counter is a free tool that you can add all your web sites to and get all the information needed to track your traffic.
By having this information you can target the right keywords to boost traffic even further.
Say for instance your getting several hits a day from a Google search for beginners guide to auto maintenance, and you're sitting on page 4 the of the search results for that phrase
Well you know from that, people are looking for beginners guide to auto repair so you need to work on getting your rank for that term moved up in the serps .
Armed with that information you can use your seo techniques to target that keyword phrase and before you know it your traffic will be returning some impressive figures.
Stat counter is a free tool that you can add all your web sites to and get all the information needed to track your traffic.
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